
Table of Contents

Personal Appearance to students

  1. Every student admitted in this school, must have two sets of complete school uniforms same in color, pattern and length. Students must wear white socks and black leather shoes, without any design. Sandals or chappals of any kind are not allowed in the school.
  2. Students are allowed to use navy blue cardigans during winter season. Students are allowed to use black rainy shoes during monsoons. White tennis shoes to be used for drills only.
  3. Finger nails must be cut short and kept clean. Any sort of nail polish is not allowed. Mehandi in hands is also not allowed.
  4. Girls’ students in this school must have their hair be either bobbed or plaited, and white ribbon should be used. White hair band is must.
  5. Wearing of any kind of Jewel is not permitted and would be confiscated if worn with school uniform, during the school hours.
  6. Using of mobile phones, taking photographs during school hours in the school premises or during classes are not permitted in the school. If any student is found using mobile phone in the school premises, the mobile phone shall be confiscated.
  7. Students who are not using school bus facility are supposed to be dropped by their parents or guardians having valid motor vehicle license. It is parent’s risk if they allow to use two or four wheelers to students for transportation without license and without protective equipment. Two wheelers or four wheelers are not allowed inside school premises.
  8. Students should be in the school on time.

Information to the student

  1. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the dignity of a catholic institution The students shall greet their teachers, elders and friends in a pleasant way whenever they meet them in school or outside. When a pupil meets a member of the staff, he / she must greet him/ her. Pupils should stand when a member of the staff enters or leaves the class.
  2. The student shall always maintain a good posture whether they sit, stand or walk.
  3. The student shall always compulsorily use English as a language during conversation with teachers and other fellow students in the school premises. They shall be polite in speaking to one another, cheerful and composed. They mustn’t interrupt anyone who is speaking and always try to listen what they say.
  4. The student shall be obedient to their parents and teachers giving them the respect and affection that is their due and accepting mistakes and guidance cheerfully. The children must thereof learn to look upon the school as an extension of their home and do their best to cherish and preserve in school a spirit of loving and giving.
  5. The student while in the class room must observe silence during period changeover and during absence of teacher. The class house captain is responsible for the order and discipline of the pupil in his / her house / class.
  6. The student while walking in the corridor of the school, entering classroom or going out of the classroom must observe que and discipline. The student must observe silence while walking. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed. Pupil is not supposed to enter a classroom other than his / her own classroom without permission.
  7. Using of smart phones in the school is not permitted. In case of emergency, any student has to contact his / her parents / guardian, shall contact HR and Administration department for necessary support.
  8. Unwanted books, papers or magazines brought to the school without prior sanction of the principal will be confiscated.
  9. Politeness and courtesy in speech and conduct, as well as cleanliness in dress and person is expected from every pupil.
  10. Any child suffering from a contagious or infections disease will not be permitted to attend the institution. It is parent’s / guardian’s responsibility to inform school about illness of their child.
  11. Games and physical training are compulsory. Facilities for coaching in games and athletics are available.
  12. Pupils are not permitted to enter the teachers staff room.
  13. Pupils may go the laboratories and other special rooms only when appointed. They must be accompanied by a teacher.
  14. Attendance for national functions and school functions is compulsory. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the students remaining absent without genuine reasons.
  15. Strict regularity and implicit obedience are expected in the class.
  16. A pupil who fails twice consecutively in the same standard is liable to be asked to leave the school.
  17. In case of the C.B.S.E. examination, the forms are filled in advance for convenience only and the school authorities reserve the right to withdraw the examination form if the conduct or attendance of the pupils is not found satisfactory.

School bus facility

  1. School bus facility is available on selected routes.
  2. Parent / guardian who wish to avail the school bus facility has to contact front office and fill the application form for school bus conveyance.
  3. School bus fee which is payable every quarter, must be paid in advance.
  4. Those who have availed school bus facility, shall be given color code identity card passes and pupil holding valid pass shall only be allowed to board the bus.
  5. Global Positioning System (GPS) is fixed in each school bus and parents can check the location of the bus through the software application provided by the school.
  6. School bus is School’s property and any damage done to the bus by the student, repair cost shall be recovered by the student.
  7. Student shall maintain the discipline while boarding the bus or getting down, stand in que. Student shall occupy the seat which is allotted to him / her by the bus conductor.
  8. Quarrelling / shouting / yelling / using abusing words in the school bus shall be treated as against the rules of the school and suitable disciplinary action shall be taken if pupils are doing it.

Disciplinary actions

  1. Student is expected to give due respect to his fellow students in his class or other classes. Using abusive words, quarreling, making fun of other students is not at accepted. If any student is observed doing mischief in school premises shall be viewed very seriously and suitable disciplinary actions would be taken.
  2. For irregular attendance, habitual negligence of studies, disobedience, insubordination of conduct injurious to the moral tone and discipline of the school, a pupil is liable for punishment including dismissal from school.
  3. Any damage done to the school property including school bus must be repaired or made good. The decision of the principal is final.
  4. Any serious breach and above all discourtesy, disrespect to member of the school staff in any way will not be accepted or tolerated.
  5. Any report observed objectionable conduct out of the institution will be suitably punished.

The house system and competitions

  1. Classes from III standard to X standard are divided into four houses that is Red, Yellow, Blue and Green (Jal, Vayu, Agni and Prithvi).
  2. House wise competitions will be conducted and students have to actively participate.
  3. Any activity shall be done strictly under the guidance of the teachers.
  4. House wise captains and vice captains are appointed and to captains are totally responsible for maintaining discipline, co-ordination, neatness and punctuality.
  5. Two competitions will be conducted every month and judgement is done based on the selected parameters.
  6. Students are informed well in advance for the preparation.

Rules and regulations on student attendance

  1. Pupils are expected to return to school after the holidays on the re-opening day. Attendance is compulsory.
  2. Pupils not returning punctually to school after the holiday are liable to have their names struck off the roll unless a medical certificate is produced on their return.
  3. No pupil should be absent from school except in case of necessity. An absentee must on her /his return to school produce a note from her parent or guardian stating the reason for absence.
  4. A child returning to school after a contagious or infectious disease must also produce a Doctor’s Certificate permitting her to do so. The school accepts no responsibility if, through failure in producing such a certificate, a child is obliged to return home after class hours.
  5. Attendance at official school functions like Sport’s Day, Independence Day, etc. is compulsory. Absentees may be penalised.


  1. There are two terminal Examinations. For First and Final Unit Tests and Year’s Work, Practical and Orals.
  2. Pupils absent from an examination for any reason whatsoever not be re-examined. They are promoted or detained according to the year’s work.
  3. Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of marks for those subjects and excludes the pupils from being reckoned in the order of merit or rank in the examination.
  4. Pupils found absenting themselves from the examination without concrete reasons are given zero marks and not marked absent.
  5. Pupils found cheating in a subject at an examination or unit test besides being given zero in the subject she will not be allowed to sit for all other subjects of the examination or the unit test.
  6. Cases of failure will not be reconsidered.
  7. In all Examinations 35 percent of the marks are required to pass and 75 percent for a distinction.
  8. All matters regarding promotions are left entirely to the discretion of the principal and her decision shall be final. The Parents/Guardians must not make any attempt to bring departmental or political pressure on the principal for promoting the students. Any attempt of this kind will create an unnecessary problem for the student. The decision of promotion lies only with the principal.
  9. For students of Std. IX 25% of the marks in theory are required to pass.

Promotion rules

  1. A Pupil will be promoted to a higher standard if she/he has secured 35/100 marks in each subject. Passing is worked out by dividing by three the total marks of
    a) Unit Test I, II
    b) First Semester, Second Semester
    c) Year’s work
    Pupil can be graced by a total of 20 marks on the whole in one or more subjects but not exceeding 10 marks in any one particulars subject.

  2. Results declared at the end of the school year is final in all cases and will not be reconsidered.

Parents are earnestly requested to do their part of urging the regular attendance, school exam and punctuality of their children to see that they do their projects, assignments and prepare lessons daily as specified in the handbook and encourage the child to read books taken from the school library. Without parents’ co-operations the work of the school will be hampered.

Library rules

  1. The library will be open during the recess and an hour after school. Strict silence shall be observed in the Library and Reading room.
  2. Not more than one book at a time shall be issued from the Library, Books borrowed from the library may be kept for a maximum period of 7 days at a time.
  3. A pupil who does not return the books issued to her in time shall pay a fine of Re. 1/- for every extra day beyond the prescribed period.
  4. All marking, underlining, bending the pages etc. in any book is absolutely forbidden.
  5. On receipt of a book, the pupil should examine and report at once to the Library Assistant any damage so far unaccounted for in the book. If the Pupil fails to do so, she will be held responsible for any damage when it is subsequently detected by the Library Assistant.
  6. Pupils are expected to handle the book carefully and not damage or spoil in any way.
  7. If a book is damaged or spoiled or lost by a pupil, she shall pay the cost of the book.
  8. Books prescribed as text books, reference books, periodicals and publication should not be removed from the library.
  9. No pupil is allowed to pass on the library books to anyone in or out of the school.
  10. Pupils requiring any books shall apply to the Librarian on a slip of paper, on which they should write their names number, the books and its author.
  11. When a book is borrowed or returned the pupil shall sign (their names) in the Register provided.
  12. So long as any dues imposed on a member of the library is not paid, she will not be allowed the use of the library.
  13. Absence from class without leave will not be excused for delay in the return of books.
  14. All pupils of Std. X are expected to spend at least 15 minutes every day in the library looking through magazines, newspaper and reference books.
  15. Library membership is compulsory for all students from Std. VIII to X and students should deposit Rs. 50.00 Library transactions will be during the short Recess and after school.
  16. Library membership is also compulsory for all the students from Std. V to VII, each student should deposit Rs. 50.00.

School property care

  1. Pupils should take special care of the school property such as furniture, apparatus, fan, lights, water etc with the understanding that we respect whatever does not belong to us. Any damage done to school property must be made good.
  2. Pupils are requested to take care of their personal property as the School Authorities do not accept responsibility for loss of books, clothes, money, tiffin carriers etc.
  3. All must consider it is their special responsibility to keep the school Class room and also the school premises clean for everyone.Every student should be particularly careful to avoid, throwing waste paper, fruit peels, ice-candy sticks etc out of the window or on the school grounds. Use should be made of the waste paper baskets and bins provided for the purpose.
  4. Switch off the fans and lights before you leave the class room.

General rules for pupil

  1. Pupils must bring the school Calendar daily to school.
  2. The school is not responsible for books, money etc. that are lost. The pupils must look after their own things.
  3. It is not advisable for pupils to have money or other valuable articles (Gold, Materials) in their keeping.
  4. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are greatly recommended to all.
  5. Before every assembly, from the first warning of the bell there must be perfect silence in the school building and on the grounds. At the second bell the children must file up in silence for the assembly.
  6. Pupils should maintain silence when going from the assembly to the class-rooms and when changing classes.
  7. Any pupil coming late may not enter the class room unless she brings to the Teacher a note from the principal.
  8. All should be particularly careful not to throw any paper, peels etc. anywhere in the school premises.
  9. No collection or gifts for any purpose whatsoever is to be started and no meeting, demonstration, party or picnic may be held without the previous sanction of the principal.
  10. Every pupil should endeavour to keep up to the high tone of the school by excelling in good manners, dress and deportment.
  11. The speaking of English is enforced in the school and within the school premises.
  12. All the pupils are expected to begin and close each session devoutly reciting the usual prayers.
  13. Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises during the working hours without the permission of the principal.
  14. No pupils will be excused from physical exercises without a Doctor’s Certificate.
  15. Pupils of the school are strictly forbidden to buy anything from the street hawkers. No pupil should leave the school premises during the school hours or during the recess.
  16. All the pupils are responsible to the School Authorities for their behaviours both in and outside the school. Hence misbehaviour in public streets and conveyances justifies dismissal.
  17. All Applications of leave and notes of absence must be written by parents/guardians only in the school Calendar in the pages provided.
  18. Pupils are not allowed to loiter about in the verandas of school during the class hours.
  19. No pupil may leave the school premises during the working hours (including short recess) without a written application form of the parents/guardian and countersigned by the principal.
  20. Since the school gives a vacation of three weeks as Diwali holidays and one week for Christmas, no other leave will be granted except in case of illness when a Medical Certificate will have to be produced.
  21. Mobiles, C.D., i-pods, Pen Drives, Music Player, Digital Camera and other such electronic items should not be brought to the school, if such goods are found with any child, it will be confiscated and will not be returned.

For Parents

  1. Parents are earnestly requested to see that the rules of the school are strictly observed by their children, that they prepare their lessons and take an effective and helpful interest in the activities of the school.
  2. Parents are informed that occasional reports are made by the teachers in the school calendar. They are requested to sign the progress reports and any other reports of the children whether their reports satisfactory or not.
  3. The engagement of private tutors whether of the school staff or not, may prove detrimental to real progress and should not be made without consulting the principal.
  4. Parents, guardians or other persons are forbidden to see the students or interview their teachers during school hours without the sanction of the principal. The members of the Staff should be seen in their off periods or during the recess by previous appointment only.
  5. Complaints of any kind if any, should be made to the principal and not to the class teacher.
  6. Parents and guardian are specially requested to notify the school of any change in their address or telephone number.
  7. When communicating with the principal, parents are requested to mention in their letter the name, standard and division of their children.
  8. Parents are advised not to let their children bring expensive watches, money or any valuable articles to the school.
  9. Parents/Guardians must make it a point to pay the school fees on time and thus save the school authorities much trouble and inconvenience.
  10. Parents/Guardians unable to pay the fees by the specified date, shall on the same date write to the principal, stating when they will settle accounts. No fees may be delayed beyond the end of the month.
  11. Fees must be paid for all the months during which the Pupil’s Name has been carried on in the class register even if the Pupil has been absent those months.
  12. If in consequence of no notice being given a pupil’s name if Transferred at the close of the month to the next month. The fees for that month are due whether the pupil actually attends or not.
  13. Parents will please see that their children are provided with necessary books and stationery. Neither borrowing nor lending is not allowed in school.
  14. The school has a Parent Teacher Association Which Parents are expected to join.
  15. Parents are also kindly requested not to visit the teachers during class Hours. All business will be transacted in the office, during office hours mentioned in the school calendar.
  16. Parents / guardians must come and meet the teachers of their wards on the open day.
  17. Parents / Guardians are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and that the management has a right to say on what conditions they will admit or retain pupils in their school (S.S. Code 1979 Rule 56.4)
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